Motorcycle accidents can kill and no wonder. As a motorcyclist is 40 times more likely to drivers and passengers are killed. It is more likely to be killed on a motorcycle than any other means of transport. In 2004, over 500 people were killed in road accidents and 6,000 were seriously injured. These statistics are frightening, but are made and taken seriously. Another key is the statistic that 80% of motorcycle accidents were caused bythe negligence of another. Of course, motorcyclists are very vulnerable because of lack of protection they have, and the fact that only 2 wheels, keeping the bike on the road. When crossing a bike a manhole or a little 'oil on the road is much more difficult to maintain control of a bicycle, because it is a machine. The damage that will probably last much worse than a car accident.
Why are motorcycles so appealing to people, when they are so dangerous? Well, unless youWheel Wizard, can be difficult to understand. Having motion in my youth, I can understand, led by thrill. For me it was a case where a bit 'of a tom boy and not old enough to drive a car and I had to take the means to work and back. It was not until my second bike stolen from my yard is that I learned to drive a car and behind my bike for days decided. The cold winter was another factor that convinced me to learn to drive, to a machine. But INever forget the feeling of riding a motorcycle only with your clothing and helmet. There's nothing better than to drive the adrenaline is like a bicycle. Had to date, although I am a motorcycle accident was still another bike, if you only want for the summer.
To have an accident on a motorcycle, is an experience quite disturbing. Back in the late 90s I attended the back of the bike of my friend, when a car came to a crossroads and went straightin us, obviously not seeing each other at all. We were both thrown from the motorcycle several meters. Fortunately for us who were not going very fast and the wounds were not serious. It would have been much worse than I was stupid, a short skirt takes. Normally I am in jeans and leather, but that night was a warm summer evening and my friend just gave me a way to raise so I thought I had the chance to wear a skirt! Big Mistake! The arms and legs were badly scratchedfrom the asphalt, but I did get lucky, none hurt worse.
The injuries were minor, but the incident was not our fault, and there was damage to the bike, our lives and we wore leather jackets. Although they have an impact on the helmet, which had to be replaced. With all this in mind, we went to see a lawyer and began the procedure. The driver of the car is not allowed to see us at all so it was a simple case and we have gained considerableAmount of compensation. It took about 3 months, but it was worth it, as we replaced our helmets until the scratches on the stationary bike and bought some leather pants so badly need.